We are! Beauty Becoming!
We Retrieve our Breath from under the BOOT of our enslavement!
The Orange of the Marrow
Feeds the FIRE in our Bones!
Feeds the Bronze, Brown, Black, Pink, Peach, EARTH RED SKIN
That WE may BREATH!!!!
The Boot! What is the BOOT?
Its weight
The Boot?
of force
of course
to TRY and pin down HOPE!
under the ever moving tide of greed desire
of the foot
...........................that wields the BOOT.
As I continue to read about human trafficking of all forms, I came across a lecture by Donna M. Hughes form the University of Rhode Island. The title is Men Create the Demand: Women are the supply, a Lecture on Sexual Exploitation. I would like to recommend this article!
In this lecture, Hughes defines trafficking as the practice that delivers women and children into exploitation, using techniques of often violent repression. To repress is to keep under control, to keep down, to put down to suppress. Traffickers use all manner of threat, of isolation, of violent acts to keep those they've taken until they have handed them over daily for work, or permanently to a new owner. Does the boot that holds flesh and blood people in circumstances of exploitation belong to the trafficker?
Exploitation is defined as use or utilization of especially for profit, or, to use selfishly for ones own gain. Is the Boot the weight of coin gathered in the boot. The higher the street value on the commodity of particular human beings, the heavier the boot? Statistics show traffickers receive greater reward for certain human groups, depending on the manner of human service needed. Is this how we now allow the measure of a life to continue to be made? The Global network of human trafficking is growing exponentially. How many women and children and men are going to be sacrificed as commodity, rather than cherished as Beauty becoming?
The Western world still has deeply entrenched cultural mores of patriarchy and hierarchy based on male dominance and the writings of the Enlightenment. The repression of women and children is culturally acceptable, in fact even desired in order to protect the power and privilege of some men. The repression of women and children of color and indigenous heritage is even more severe. Transgendered people are often just extinguished. Is the ideal of Patriarchy the boot? Heavy with the weight of power, prestige and rightness?
Are our political and legal systems filled with laws that for centuries were created only through the voices and understandings of male experience the heavy BOOT born of blindness? Its weight on the women and children being the prisons made for those whom are caught in their suffering and ushered away that the authors of their suffering may remain boldly in public view without being seen?
Does the Boot remain in place, over all of us! Exacting high taxes as the price we pay for carrying in painful silence the burden of what is lost to us, the HUMAN TOLL TAX?
By gathering in Nepal, we participate in art making for the sake of lifting the boot of repression, the boot of exploitation and of taxation from all of us! We gather to empower and strengthen the LIFE GIVING resources amongst us all of resiliency, courage, wisdom, knowledge, beauty and lovingkindness. And all who gather in Nepal, no matter the journey into the story of human trafficking that brings us there, contribute healing to the human community.
In my life with Creator God, this is the greatest path to walk, a path towards restoration of wholeness within the human community and between the earth and humanity and God. It is a path that brings awareness too, shines light upon the truth of Human trafficking as a horribly destructive, crushing blow to the dignity and beauty of all mankind.
I have $2,000 dollars more to raise!
Will you join me in this endeavor to engage opportunities of healing with women and children
in Nepal, and therefor with humanity Globally?
Donate Electronically:http://www.gofundme.com/Hope-Rising-Amidst
Donate by Tax deductible contribution by sending a check to:
Nepal C/O Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd. Portland OR 97229
Will you join me in raising awareness about Human trafficking and the toll it is exacting on humanity, by means of exploitation of many for the satisfaction of the poisonous greed of a few?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
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