Fractures in our Midst
Cracking, crackle, cracks through time
Fracking, fracked, factions defined
Deep Lines
Blood being spattered
Being broken
Holy witness, to the fractures, fracked, factions in time.
Bearing healing balm to
Cracking, cracked, Fracked, Fracking in time.
Hope Rising
Healing Balm
Love bearing seamlessness!
Us, in time.
Fracturing is the breaking and fracturing is the act of breaking. Both the damage and that which damages, present in the same word. Human trafficking too has the broken and the one who breaks, held within the word enslaveing. To think about the people who do the breaking is complex.
Why would someone traffic a woman or child or man for sex? The fact that selling human beings as commodities is an extremely lucrative enterprise is an understatement as shown in the last blog entry. On the international front, this is one of Organized Crimes most profitable enterprises, about 32 Billion per year internationally.(Soroptimist) The Polaris Project, also explains that in addition to high profits, their is low risk of being prosecuted for this crime. This low prosecution potential is true for both sellers and buyers of women and children and men's bodies. Soroptimist, a global volunteer organization working to improve the lives of women also explains, "Because women are culturally and socially devalued in so many societies, there is little conflict with the purchasing of women and girls". They also explain, "There is a misperception commonly held that all women choose to enter into the commercial sex trade. Could some of the fracturing be happening because many of us have been complacent, blind and unwilling to address other fractures in our social fabric such as gender oppression, racism, classism, and more?
What about the purchaser of sex slaves, the one who rents the trafficked human being? Without demand, there would be no need to supply the product of women and children and mens bodies for sexual usery through enslavement. The research and writing continues....
Bearing forth healing is happening in complex form as well. In this Blog with every entry I will try and introduce organizations engaged in the fight to bring CHANGE and eradicate Human Trafficking. is introduced above. is amongst other efforts producing tools that help educate us all including our teens, increasing the risk for traffickers and hopefully reducing the numbers of victims. Please head to their website.
As I continue to learn and share and prepare for being in healing arts opportunities with women and children in Nepal, will you continue to consider contributing to RAISING CHANGE FOR CHANGE?
All donations to cover the costs of my work inNepal can be sent to
C/O Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd, Portland, OR. 97229
Checks made out to Sunset Covenant Church with Nepal noted in the memo.
Even more so, will you help to raise awareness and Change in people regarding this painful human fracture?
Todays Change Raising Ideas!
Youth and Family Pastors and Parents, Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents!
Why Not Purchase a copy of the documentary "Chosen" the true story of America's teens Trafficked from Shared Hope and gather with your communities and watch the video together! This would give opportunity for extending the invitation for people to contribute Change for Change towards the Nepal healing work?
Make a donation in the name of a teen you know and love and share with them what you did in a Valentine!
Dont forget about those Valentine sweets and treats in the Breakrooms and common spaces at work and friendly gathering spots!
I deeply, warmly thank you all!
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