Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Some Time has Passed - And New Hope RISES as we reach back and remember the task!

Particularly in these days, we in the United States whom are struggling with the present political circumstances of our country, have received such strength to stand and march, from our global friends!  Women and Men marched in over 60 nations trumpeting LOUDLY that Women are to be treated with equal dignity and respect in every way,  everywhere! Thank You!

Global responses to the injustice of an executive order against immigrants and refugees too have poured forth!  This resistance to hatred is growing. Shalom, wholeness can be the only outcome of persistent presence in solidarity with one another, even if it takes some time.

Empowering women and men in Nepal through Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art Practice, is to engage in mutual sharing of the Good Work of Global Solidarity for the sake of justice!

It is this same Hope Rising that inspires Sadhana Thapa and I to push forward with bringing Expressive Arts therapy and Community Art Practice training to Nepal. Internationally, Expressive Arts Therapy has demonstrated strong efficacy as a therapeutic practice for healing trauma.  In addition, Community Arts Practice is well documented as a pathway for social transformation. Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art Practice are yet to be formed as professional healing and transformative practices through Nepali cultural arts practices.  Sadhana Thapa, the president and founder of Expressive Arts Nepal seeks to do exactly that!
Last year, on my second trip to Nepal, Sadhana and I held college level introductory courses in Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Arts Practice with 25 students.  The previous posts of this blog share many of the stories of the experienced outcomes of this work.  Sadhana was also able to attend the first year of her Masters Program in Expressive Arts Therapy at European Graduate School in the summer semester of 2016.  These first year accomplishments were made possible through the generosity of many people in Europe and the US as wells Nepal.  This has been a truly global effort.

We are hoping to bring second year trainings through Expressive Arts Nepal in winter 2017.
The courses prepared and waiting to be taught include Expressive Arts therapy: Foundations, Form and Ethics, and Community Art Practice: Pathway for Community Transformation. The Expressive Arts therapy practicums are to include bringing care to human trafficking survivors, rural communities devastated by climate change and lack of resources, schools and places providing medical care.  Community Arts Practice field training will take place with leaders working  to transform villages deeply divided by the cast system, recently abolished by the new Nepali Constitution. Healing from trauma is a very common human need everywhere, and as Sadhana explains, the Nepali practice of Cast is equivalent to the US practice of racism. Receiving the economic support needed for teaching in Nepal provides opportunity for international solidarity to be given to others, much as we in the US, especially recently have received! Empowering our work together brings the US and Nepal more deeply into united efforts to transform our Global community into greater health, well being and peace.

We are thankful to have covered over $1,500 for our first year of expenses to provide trainings in Nepal and cover Sadhan's first year of Masters studies at the European Graduate School Arts, Health and Society Division.

We are in need of raising an additional $4,500 to bring about Expressive Arts Nepal Trainings this year and $3,000 to cover Sadhana's second year of schooling.  For Nepal, one of the poorest countries in the world today, this is an almost insurmountable obstacle.

Please consider giving to our project as an opportunity to stand with Women and Nepal in an act of Global solidarity. Together! We can effectively engage the work of healing humanity and transforming our human community.

More stories to come of the newest efforts of our Nepali students as they engage the therapeutic practice of Expressive Arts Practice in their local communities and work.

Sadhana and I thank you for  your contributions!

To Donate go to:
To make a tax deductible donation:
Please send your check, designated Nepal Project to
Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd.
Portland Oregon (7229