Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Living Artistry: Moving through Delay!

September 17 is so close and its scheduled events more distanced.  I was to leave for Nepal in just 3 days, but the work has been delayed.  For the past ten years, following ten years of civil war, Nepal has experienced civil unrest.  On September 21 the government will announce the new Constitution.  In response, many Nepali have scheduled a nationwide strike to protest some portions of this new constitution.  I am so thankful for the courage of these people. The Expressive Art Therapy and Community Art Practice training has been rescheduled to take place in the first two weeks of November.

My respect for the Nepali people grows as we move through accepting this delay.  In a country where the incredibly urgent needs of fighting human trafficking, horrendously high poverty rates, impacts of climate change that are reeking havoc everywhere and devastation from earthquakes, people still remain concerned with what is important for bringing peace to their country long term.  I am impacted by this quite deeply.

There has been no great spike of concern, intensity in dialogue about "shoulds", just a simple discussion of what is best for a most peaceful ability to hold this training with as great an impact as possible.  It became clear that by moving through delay together, we could also increase the efficacy of this work.  Sadhana and I have increased steadfast sharing of concepts and ideas.  We now have two pages of Expressive Arts Therapy terminology and concepts worked through.  We also have had time to share in the work of educating Mary, yes Sadhana is effortlessly and diligently increasing my cultural competency.

There is a celebration this Wednesday.  Women will fast without even taking a sip of water, for the sake of gaining long life for their husbands through their prayers.  This is an incredibly difficult sacrifice only required by women for the sake of men.  I heard the great story of women suffering under this burden and the stance of men toward women as which remains highly oppressive.  What is it like to move through delay of experiencing ones own dignity to such great degree, even today.  I dare say so many, so many women know this experience even today, even in the United States, even to excruciating degree in many places around the world.  I wonder what is the experience for Indigenous people to still, after so many decades be moving through delay, waiting waiting to receive honor and dignity as fellow human beings residing in this planet earth.  My hear remains in anguish over these and many other delays we are moving through.

The Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art Practice experiences are SHIFTING through our delay!!!! Sadhana and I keep returning to this idea of undergirding the whole endeavor in building works, fashioning artistry, speaking artistically, moving beautifully more deeply into "being peacefully" together through this training.  Peace is like Joy, flowing from the abundance of God's goodness experienced within around and through us, while in the company of one another.  This kind of peace is like laughter erupting from the belly!  Song leaping from the lungs! Colors VIBRANT Radiance dancing through space, embodied beauty in all human forms.  Nepali colors, we shall find them the day before we begin!  Nepali leaves from trees, we shall gather from the land as we move IN to the art taking shape through embodied responses to sights, sounds, sensations of the winds of our time together.

Yes as we are moving through delay, we are moving into greater competencies through the sharing of our strengths! Sadhana and I and Delight responding to each other in preparation for the Beauty that is becoming!

Living Artistry, moving through delay!
A good enough blog to encourage us today!


Please consider donating
!  This change has resulted in over $500 in airfare change fees!  We have $1,340 to raise to be fully funded!