September 17 is so close and its scheduled events more distanced. I was to leave for Nepal in just 3 days, but the work has been delayed. For the past ten years, following ten years of civil war, Nepal has experienced civil unrest. On September 21 the government will announce the new Constitution. In response, many Nepali have scheduled a nationwide strike to protest some portions of this new constitution. I am so thankful for the courage of these people. The Expressive Art Therapy and Community Art Practice training has been rescheduled to take place in the first two weeks of November.
My respect for the Nepali people grows as we move through accepting this delay. In a country where the incredibly urgent needs of fighting human trafficking, horrendously high poverty rates, impacts of climate change that are reeking havoc everywhere and devastation from earthquakes, people still remain concerned with what is important for bringing peace to their country long term. I am impacted by this quite deeply.
There has been no great spike of concern, intensity in dialogue about "shoulds", just a simple discussion of what is best for a most peaceful ability to hold this training with as great an impact as possible. It became clear that by moving through delay together, we could also increase the efficacy of this work. Sadhana and I have increased steadfast sharing of concepts and ideas. We now have two pages of Expressive Arts Therapy terminology and concepts worked through. We also have had time to share in the work of educating Mary, yes Sadhana is effortlessly and diligently increasing my cultural competency.
There is a celebration this Wednesday. Women will fast without even taking a sip of water, for the sake of gaining long life for their husbands through their prayers. This is an incredibly difficult sacrifice only required by women for the sake of men. I heard the great story of women suffering under this burden and the stance of men toward women as which remains highly oppressive. What is it like to move through delay of experiencing ones own dignity to such great degree, even today. I dare say so many, so many women know this experience even today, even in the United States, even to excruciating degree in many places around the world. I wonder what is the experience for Indigenous people to still, after so many decades be moving through delay, waiting waiting to receive honor and dignity as fellow human beings residing in this planet earth. My hear remains in anguish over these and many other delays we are moving through.
The Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art Practice experiences are SHIFTING through our delay!!!! Sadhana and I keep returning to this idea of undergirding the whole endeavor in building works, fashioning artistry, speaking artistically, moving beautifully more deeply into "being peacefully" together through this training. Peace is like Joy, flowing from the abundance of God's goodness experienced within around and through us, while in the company of one another. This kind of peace is like laughter erupting from the belly! Song leaping from the lungs! Colors VIBRANT Radiance dancing through space, embodied beauty in all human forms. Nepali colors, we shall find them the day before we begin! Nepali leaves from trees, we shall gather from the land as we move IN to the art taking shape through embodied responses to sights, sounds, sensations of the winds of our time together.
Yes as we are moving through delay, we are moving into greater competencies through the sharing of our strengths! Sadhana and I and Delight responding to each other in preparation for the Beauty that is becoming!
Living Artistry, moving through delay!
A good enough blog to encourage us today!
Please consider donating
! This change has resulted in over $500 in airfare change fees! We have $1,340 to raise to be fully funded!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Monday, August 24, 2015
Rev Mary Putera is currently serving as the Pastor of Sunset
Covenant Church in Oregon. Rev. Putera
is also working on her doctorate with the European Graduate School in the division of Arts, Health and Social Change.
God is Living Artist ever
creating us, living artistry of God.
To “offer oneself”, to bring
and give freely of who one is, in a foreign context, amidst the complex
circumstances of recent systemic trauma, ongoing societal struggles and the
emerging qualities of resilience, is to give in to God’s call to be vulnerable. I
am going, and I struggle with going. I
struggle to settle into vulnerability.
Make no mistake, going is a constant wrestling for me, until my feet
pass through security, and then surrender is the only option.
In 3 weeks I will return to
Nepal as a trainer and teacher of Expressive Art Therapy and Community Art
Practice. As a pastor, part of my call
is to bring word of God reaching out to the world. God reaches out to the world as the Living
Artist, reminding us all of the inherent beauty residing in each of us as
“imago Dei”. As theologian Garcia-Rivera
points out, the Greek word for “beauty” has two forms; hallos (noun) which
means to call, and Kalon (adj) which means “the called” (1999) Garcia-Rivera
expands this definition writing; “Theological aesthetics attempts to make clear
once again the connection between Beauty and the beautiful, between Beauty’s
divine origins and its appropriation by the human heart”(1999).
To submit to this truth, is
to learn to rest in the vulnerability of being subject to God’s forming hand in
me and through me.
As a volunteer serving in a
foreign country, I am linguistically incompetent, way-finding challenged, and
utterly in need of a cultural mentor to translate for me the mores and folkways
abounding in the midst of every interaction. Whatever expertise I have
been invited to share, is in need of major reconstruction, on the fly, in the
midst of a new and challenging, culturally different circumstance. I need
I am not alone.
The people in Nepal who have
extended invitation also are vulnerable. Something is happening amidst
the people which requests support from others to fully emerge. Sadhana
Thapa and Reeta Bomjan the founders of Expressive Arts Nepal, have identified
the emerging presence and gift of Expressive Art and Community Art in their
country as pathways and practices that are life giving to Nepali people. I do
not go to introduce Expressive Art and Community Art practice as if it is
something completely new to the people of Nepal. I go to facilitate and share in culturally
meaningful experiences of engaging creatively with the circumstances life people in Nepal are enduring and moving through to find greater peace. I
bring these experiences as opportunities for re-enlivening what is already in
the hearts of humanity.
This is the very essence for
me of being “imago DEI” formed in the image, the active ability of being a living
witness to who God is. God is Living
Artist ever creating us to be living artistry of God. Going to
Nepal, is like standing on Mount Everest and saying God I am in great need and
vulnerable to your hand of grace, mercy and artistry. God help me. It is also to sit before God in prayer
for the Nepali people. How I pray that God would MOVE, enlivening the people in Nepal through art making. As a pastor,
this is the vulnerability of Worship as I comprehend it thus far. I will surrender more deeply into the love of God for me and for all people, in three
weeks, with the help of God. The wrestling will stop, I will get on the plane,
and the work of God will begin.
Amen Amen, please pray it is
Please considering funding this trip by contributing today:
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Volunteering: A Giving in to the sharing, in Nepal
Volunteering: A Giving
in to the sharing, in Nepal
When the
title hits first, it is like receiving an “intrusive word”, an obnoxious perhaps, announcement of a
beautiful gift becoming. We shall see
how this title that has found me, moves.
In September I will return to Nepal as a volunteer offering
training in Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art practice to Nepali
nationals who serve as humanitarian workers, community outreach and development
specialists, social activists and care providers. The training and coaching offered is freely
given, with the help of many friends who have and will donate funds to
To “offer oneself” though, to bring
and give freely of who one is, in a foreign context, amidst the complex
circumstances of recent systemic trauma, ongoing societal struggles and the
emerging qualities of resilience, is to become vulnerable.
As a volunteer serving in a foreign country, I am a cultural
stranger, linguistically incompetent, way-finding challenged, and utterly in
need of a cultural mentor to translate for me the mores and folkways abounding
in the midst of every interaction. Simply
put, whatever expertise I have been invited to share, is in need of major
reconstruction, on the fly, in the midst of a new and challenging culturally
different circumstance. I need help!
I am not alone.
The people in Nepal who have extended
invitation also are vulnerable, experiencing a need. Something is happening amidst the people that
requires support from others to fully emerge.
Sadhana Thapa and Reeta Bomjan the founders of Expressive Arts Nepal,
have identified the emerging presence and gift of Expressive Art and Community
Art in their country as pathways and practices that are life giving to Nepali
people. This has been true in all human society for
all times. I do not go to introduce
Expressive Art and Community Art practice as if it is something completely new to
the people of Nepal. I go to bring culturally
meaningful experiences of engaging creatively with the circumstances and
conditions of life people in Nepal are enduring and moving through. I bring these experiences as opportunities
for re-enlivening what is already in the hearts of humanity. We are all formed and informed, embodied
creatures possessing instinctual, innate ability to creatively meet life. We can always work to sense and imagine what
more Truth, Goodness, Love and Beauty can be brought into this world through us
for the healing of all living Creation.
This is the very essence for me of being “imago DEI” formed in the
image, the active ability of living as witness to who God is. This is for me what it means to live into my
faith in God and living as faithful witnessing of God’s sacred and Loving
It is indeed the volunteering in Nepal, the giving into the sharing, in
vulnerability with Nepali people, that makes way for Beauty to become amongst
us and the miraculous to appear.
The anthropologist Victor Turner
describes this as entering liminal space, a time out of time, where we leave
behind, detach from our “fixed” identities, knowledge, social status, community
conditions, public face, power, prestige and hierarchies and bring to the place
who we are. We come as people volunteering to be vulnerable, open to
experiencing one another anew through embodied presence while sharing what gifts
we have in the art of making. We enter liminal space willingly seeking
something new and helpful, even hopeful and transformative of us all,
individually and a s a group.
As I prepare to return soon to Nepal, I know that my volunteering will
provide opportunity for giving in to the
shared vulnerability of walking on land that resounds its current rumblings
visually. Volunteering is opportunity to give in to sharing in the sense of
physical and emotional vulnerability one cannot avoid as one walks through
Nepal’s crumbled history that resides now in heaps of stone crying out in
memorial of what was. There is no doubt that sharing time and space with Nepali
people in art making will include sharing in their expressions of grief, loss,
fear, anguish and struggle. And yet as has been demonstrated repeatedly, being
together vulnerably in expressive, improvisational art making, gives rise to
something so much more than pain! Dr. Brene Brown in a recent interview stated,
“We associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame
and uncertainty. Yet we too often loose
sight of the fact that vulnerability is also the birthplace of joy, belonging
and creativity”. This is indeed what
comes forward when we settle into our senses and let art making lead us!
Arts and Community Art practice have demonstrated great efficacy as processes
that facilitate recovery, resilience, renewal of imagination and hope in the
midst of working through trauma.
Expressive Art and Community Art practice engage humanity
through low skill high sensitivity processes that are accessible to anyone
regardless of prior experience in any artistic modality. All people who enter the liminal space of
artistic play and discovery can participate in contributing to the art piece
that is emerging.
In the experience of making art in liminal space, this other
worldly environment away from trauma, a bridge to the potential for rekindling
of internal resources and resiliency skills that bring people through traumatic
events can emerge in art making and be brought back into everyday life. Yes indeed, volunteering is a giving in to the sharing of Expressive Arts and
Community Art practice as opportunity for Nepali people to imagine what beauty
may come in Nepal.
Please consider sharing
in the work of supporting the emerging beauty in Nepal.
Saturday, August 1, 2015
My Ten Days in Nepal are Coming Soon!
10 Days Coming Soon!
Yes my ten days in Nepal are
coming soon. And there are many questions upon my heart. How will it be to be in Nepal now? My
experiences, will they be like before and after photos etched upon my heart, of
an earthquake that happened in between?
I do not know. I will share upon
my return.
I find myself full of
gratitude to God for the timing of this trip.
My friends in Nepal have been working so hard to support one another and
the people in their country severely impacted by earthquakes. To go and provide five days in Expressive
Arts therapy training, will also provide caregivers opportunity to receive
care. Expressive Art and Community art practice provide human beings an
opportunity to decenter from present life’s dilemmas and struggles and focus on
our common human ability for bringing forth artistry. For a little while in this practice we can
set aside the difficult things that confront us in everyday life and engage in
art making that captivates our senses, engages our imaginations and revives and
enlivens in us an experience of satisfaction, strength, beauty and even hope. What is gained in the art making is often reminders
of personal strengths, new found abilities, increased capacity for resilience,
and willingness to trust oneself to navigate what emerges in life with
sensitivity, grace, courage and self mastery.
When people experience
trauma, the body stores the experience.
Memories are made in muscles, in minds, in emotions, and bio-chemical
processes. Engaging in art making has the potential to transform our
understandings, imprints and impacts of traumatic events and unleash the places
in ones body that become subject to the powerful presence of traumatic
memory. It is my hope and prayer that in
accompanying Nepali care givers, humanitarian workers and community workers,
their healing will come where it is needed, capacity for resiliency
strengthened, transforming beauty will be experienced and ever greater
Hope will emerge.
Living Artistry is what human
community has potential to be! We are capable of meeting our everyday with a
sensitivity that allows all that is Holy and Sacred and LIFE GIVING to emerge
in and through us. We are formed THIS
beautifully, fearfully, wonderfully! In communion with one another, in communion
with God, Beauty emerges, beautifully.
Please, will you join with me
in supporting not just recovery in Nepal, but even more so the imagining of the
future in the people and land of Nepal.
Please donate today!
You may also send your tax deductible support to:
Sunset Covenant Church with NEPAL written in the memo.
And Addressed to:
Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd, Portland, OR 97229
Sunset Covenant Church with NEPAL written in the memo.
And Addressed to:
Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd, Portland, OR 97229
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Nepali people courageously continue to recover from the massive
earthquake and many after-shocks since last spring that caused great
devastation to their people, their land and their historical landmarks. The
work of recovering from the immediate devastation and long term traumatic
impacts of the earthquakes are in addition to the struggle to end human
trafficking, while also dealing with one of the highest poverty rates across
the globe.
From September 20–28, I will be returning to Kathmandu, Nepal to
provide Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art Practice training for Nepali
health, humanitarian and community development workers for the Nepali
Expressive Arts Therapy Institute. I
have been invited to teach a 5 day introductory course in Expressive Arts
Therapy and Community Art Practice. I will also spend 3 days coaching trainees
in their organizations as they begin to provide EXA and Community Art
experiences in their work places. Upon
my return I will provide ongoing supervision from the US electronically.
Expressive Arts Therapy and Community Art making are actually centuries old practices embedded in every culture, grounded in the awareness that we are held by something much bigger than ourselves which shows up to helps us engage life. Expressive Arts Therapy is an opportunity to experience through art making, a dialogue with what is important to our minds, our spirits, our embodied lives in the moment we are in. In Expressive Art making, we can become emboldened through our senses to identify what is vitally important to life in this moment, along with new ideas and awareness for moving forward more effectively towards what is healing helpful, hopeful and strengthening. Community Art practice creates opportunity for a group of people to experience a similar phenomenon.
Community Art helps all who are gathered to sense a
satisfaction in becoming the makers of one whole experience through the vital
individual contributions of each person.
People engaged in Community Art sense their way through improvisational
processes seeking the satisfaction that comes in arriving together at the
completion of a project. Through this
work, human beings engage what indeed makes us human, our ability to
effectively sense and respond to life in the current moment with new found
courage, risk taking, hope seeking activity.
And through this art making together, we are able to identify the
strengths the group has within it that participants can apply to real life for
the sake of community healing, resiliency, greater peace, increased hope and
even greater joy.
Funding this project will require $4,500 by the end of
August. These funds will cover travel
costs, art materials and educational resources, as well as the cost of renting
space to hold this training and translator costs.
Dear friends, In HOPE I ask you to consider donate today!
You may also send your tax deductible support to:
Sunset Covenant
Church with NEPAL written in the memo.
And Addressed to:
Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd, Portland, OR 97229
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