I have thought about this blog for many days now and am "late" with my posting, because this time it is more deeply personal. My heart has for many years been so troubled by the brokenness of us, our humanity. I have carried a deep sense of awareness of the human struggle to become beautiful and whole. I have intentionally sought from my teachers to learn to walk with high sensitivity amongst people; to be touched by sadness, disappointment, frustration anger, pain, anguish, isolation, loss and yes, to be touched by peace, contentment, happiness, joy, generosity, welcome and Love too. I know this pain in my heart to be deep longing for the beauty of humanity to become fully realized. I sense and believe all human beings have this same longing, a shared need to be whole and wholly Beautiful in community with the earth and all people!
"Need is:
1-a situation in which someone or something must do or have something
2-something that a person must have: something that is needed in oder to live or succeed or be happy
3-a physiological or psychological requirement for the well being of an organism. "
(Miriam Webster.com)
In this definition we clearly see that experiencing need, is like experiencing being stuck until something comes, presents itself, meets us and moves us forward out of need. There have been many moments when I have been in need in my life physiologically, psychologically and spiritually. In my childhood and growing up there were many difficult and painful events and circumstances that impacted me deeply. I often found myself arguing with God exclaiming "things are not the way they are supposed to be!" As a teenager and young adult I struggled daily with adjusting to the emotional impact of a series of difficult life experiences. When I was 35, I was crushed by my beloved horse, yes crushed by a 1200 lb horse which reared up and fell back on top of me. I have known need, great "stuckness" that was absolutely unresolvable without community.
Becoming unstuck, always required someone else coming alongside with compassion, empathy encouragement and care! I have grown through painful life events because other resilient people have come alongside me, to speak words of worth and dignity and truth and goodness and beauty into my hurting, wounded places. I learned that resiliency is a seed within each one of us which we can water, establish, nourish and grow by being in loving, beautiful, caring community.
As a teen and young adult various family members and good friends came along and listened and listened and walked with me and spoke words of life into my heart that kept me going while I learned the emotional, spiritual and embodied skills needed for getting through rough times. I spent my late twenties and early thirties growing as a counselor and community psychologist, being given skills, words, and ways of being with others that nurtured life in relationship. I have spent the last 15 years being accompanied by various physical healers who have tirelessly worked to rebuild everything from my injured brain to fractured bones, to twisted spine to contorted tissues and muscles and incomprehensible physical fatigue. Always through out my life I have felt the presence of YAWEH, of God, not a great man in the sky, but YAWEH, the unknowable one, the one who loves and holds and helps and accompanies all of us who share the earth. I have been accompanied by Jesus and and ministered to by angels. And in their coming, I have been taught to respect the spiritual, emotional and embodied life of others. I have learned to trust that people's painful experiences and circumstances cannot change our identity as small and humble and meek and GOOD and Beautiful and Impactful and full of Dignity in our very "being". Our need, is our great teacher for becoming fully humanly beautiful
Susan Ross, a theologian and writer shares: “From my mother and others along the way I have learned that beauty is to be shared, that creating beauty is a statement that one cares about others and oneself". We are Beauty becoming when we practice the art of being highly sensitive to one anthers need, in a way that lets strength, courage, kindness, compassion and love emerge in each of us in the midst of accompanying one another through life.
I am going to Nepal in recognition that the women and children I will accompany for 15 days, who have experienced the horrid circumstance of human trafficking, are just like me, fearfully, wonderfully beautifully made, with need of the company of others that the beauty within them may be encouraged to flourish. Together we are Beauty becoming!
If you would like to financially support this trip, I remain in need of $1,935.00
There are 2 ways to contribute
Donate Electronically: http://www.gofundme.com/Hope-Rising-Amidst
Or by Check, as a tax deductible donation sent to: Nepal c/o Sunset Covenant Church
18555 NW Rock Creek Blvd.
Portland OR. 97229
Thank you for donating, that we together might meet this need.
Thank you for donating, that we together might meet this need.